Beliefnet: Words of St. Patrick's " Breastplate " Prayer (different version) read with accompanying beautiful slideshow & background Celtic music.
Saint Patrick's Breastplate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
15 Mar 2010 Though probably not from Patrick himself (it is more likely dated to the 8th than the 5th century), “St. Patrick's Lorica” ( breastplate ) is
Patrick Madrid: St. Patrick's Breast-Plate : the powerful prayer of
The Lorica, or Breastplate , of Saint Patrick is best known for only one of its verses. But the full version, printed here, incorporates all the elements of
Breastplate St. Patrick
49. St. Patrick's Breastplate by Kuno Meyer. Colum, Padraic. 1922. Anthology of Irish Verse.
St. Patrick's Breastplate
Visit this site for Saints Prayers including the words of St. Patrick's Breastplate Prayer. Enjoy the inspirational words of the St. Patrick's Breastplate
The Deer's Cry (St- Patrick's Breatplate or The Lorica) WOW Stories
Music: St. Patrick's Breastplate and Gartan (verse 6). Meter: LMD The English Hymnal, 1906, 212, St. Patrick's Breastplate . The Book of Common Praise,
Saint Patrick's Lorica
St. Patrick's Breastplate , a prayer attributed to Ireland's beloved patron saint , is a powerful hymn of hope for God's help in adversity.
St. Patrick's Breastplate Prayer
St. Patrick's Breastplate , Print. Words and music by Martin Doman. Lyrics drawn from the prayer by St. Patrick. I pledge unto myself today
49. St. Patrick's Breastplate by Kuno Meyer. Colum, Padraic. 1922
Cecil Frances Alexander translated and arranged St. Patrick's Breastplate into poetic meter. An Irish melody was adapted to the words by Charles Villiers
Oremus Hymnal: I bind unto myself today
Breastplate I bind myself to-day. The strong Name of the Trinity, Poems ( London, 1896) pages 59-62. Back to Saint Patrick's Mission
St. Patrick's Breastplate Prayer
St. Patrick's Breastplate Prayer. faces. I arise today. Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity, Through belief in the threeness,
St. Patrick's Breastplate
15 Mar 2006 Patrick was not a feisty little leprechaun hiding a pot of gold coins. In the course of his efforts to evangelize Ireland, St. Patrick most
St. Patrick's Breastplate : A Shield for Divine Protection
It was during the march that they chanted the sacred Lorica or Deer's Cry - later known as St. Patrick's Breastplate . As the druids lay in hiding,
St. Patrick's Breastplate - Wikisource
17 Mar 2010 The Lorica, or Breastplate , of Saint Patrick , the patron saint of Ireland, is best known for only one of its verses (the one that begins
“St. Patrick's Breastplate ”–original poem and hymn | Grateful to
St. Patrick St. Patrick's Breastplate is contained in the ancient Book of Armagh , from the early ninth century, along with Patrick's authentic "Confession.